Cathedrals of the Cosmic Christ


 Catedral de Burgos

3 architectural styles in one Cathedral

The Cathedral's construction began in 1221, in the style of French Gothic architecture and the Latin cross.

After a hiatus of 200 years, it went through embellishments of great π- & φ-based splendor in the 15th & 16th centuries:


The octagonal Chapel of the Constable, the octagonal tower and the two spires are elements of the flamboyant Gothic which gives the cathedral its unique profile:

4 cupolas + 1 semi-circle ambulatory

4 Pentagrams =
Icosagonal stained glass window:

15th century green colored section has:
2 squares+1 GMR & 1 square+2 GMR's:
so have the 2 stairways:

Golden Mean proportions:

Spire angles

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